Ashlee is excited to be a warm presence at the reception of the Minda Allied Health and Aquatic Centre.
Warwick is gearing up to take part in the City-Bay Fun Run this weekend and for the first time, giving the 12km run a go!
After overcoming some obstacles, Andrew has settled into his North Brighton apartment and is excited to start an exciting new chapter in his life.
Meet Summer! She has built meaningful friendships and developed great life skills through her participation in Minda’s MyPathway to Day Options program this year.
Envirocare officially opened a modernised lunchroom for its employees earlier this month.
Minda CE Dr David Panter speaks with Coast FM about Minda's new strategy and the path forward
Since moving into his North Brighton-based Home & Living Support (SIL) accommodation earlier this year, Mitchell has become the “happiest and healthiest” version of himself.
After the news broke that three therapy bikes were stolen from Minda over the June long weekend, we were met with offers of donations, free servicing and an incredible outreaching of support from our community. A true testament to what a community can do!
Year 11 St Ignatius students volunteered their time at Minda Brighton, being a fantastic help to our teams all over the community.