It may only be subtle, but the warm smile that Mitchell sports regularly throughout his new home is one of the clearest indicators of his current happiness.
Since moving into his North Brighton-based Home & Living Support (SIL) accommodation earlier this year, Mitchell has become the “happiest and healthiest” version of himself.
To ensure a smooth transition, Mitchell spent an extended period of time visiting the home weekly to familiarise himself with his new environment and housemates.
The transition period provided the best foundation for success, with regular house staff stating that they have noticed significant personal progression over the past three months.
Disability support worker Victoria Treloar said some house staff originally believed that Mitchell was non-verbal, due to his quiet demeanour and lack of communication.
However, it didn’t take long before Victoria discovered that Mitchell understood sign language. Since using sign language, the verbal side of Mitchell’s communication has started to flourish also.
“Mitchell’s communication has improved immensely. Before the move, his speech was quite limited. Now, he consistently uses words such as ‘please’. It has been great to see.”
“The change has been quite noticeable and the regular house staff make sure Mitchell receives the praise he deserves, as it does wonders for his confidence.”
Minda’s cluster model has resulted in clients having greater consistency of staff, an element that is crucial in creating deeper connections.
Being surrounded by caring housemates and familiar staff have also played a pivotal role in Mitchell settling into his new home.
“Mitchell has fitted into this house dynamic very well. There is quite a strong level of respect among the four housemates,” disability support worker Marie Burns said.
“He has also developed a great level of trust with house staff. That familiarity has allowed him to express himself confidently and provide greater personal interactions.”
Most remarkably, the move has delivered positive changes to Mitchell’s physical health, as well as noticeable decrease in negative behaviours.
“Since the move, Mitchell’s his entire complexion has improved greatly – he looks healthier, his hair has grown back and is just noticeably happier,” disability support worker Dane Moorhouse said.
“Mitchell used to go to sleep with sticks in his pockets, but that habit has all but disappeared. He has made some great improvements, and there is hopefully more to come.”
While the positive personal progression didn’t occur overnight, the growth since Mitchell’s move to North Brighton has shown that a supportive environment is a key ingredient to success.
Happier and healthier than ever before, the sky is the limit for Mitchell. As he enters an exciting new chapter in his life, Mitchell knows he has the support of his family, housemates and staff.