Jen Warncken has been supporting Minda clients for 20 years – and is doing everything she can to keep people smiling during this unprecedented time in Minda’s – and indeed the nation’s – history.
Jen normally works as the Team Leader for MyPath’s Lifestyle Services, a day options program for older clients, but with the temporary changes to the way we do business due to COVID-19, Jen has been working out of the Waterhouse complex in recent weeks.
She says MyPath staff in each house in the Waterhouse complex – Fisher, Martin and Crompton – have been engaging clients in fun and meaningful ways.
We are living in interesting times, but we’ve been keeping things going at Waterhouse with painting, music, Easter activities and walks around the Brighton site
“We are living in interesting times, but we’ve been keeping things going at Waterhouse with painting, music, Easter activities and walks around the Brighton site,” Jen says.
“While many clients missed their usual routines at the start and are missing their friends like the rest of us, it has helped that we have been able to get out and about on the Brighton site (which is temporarily closed to the public).
“Maria, Shane, Tracey and Mariah have been enjoying these walks and getting some sunshine, hearing the birds chattering, and looking at some of the beautiful flowers to be found.”
And with the Easter weekend starting tomorrow, there have been lots of arts and crafts happening in preparation, Jen says.
“Bruno got in the spirit supervising hat making, while Kathy tried one on for size. There’s also been lots of painting to make our rabbits, Easter wreaths and large eggs for the wall decorations,” Jen says.
“The Waterhouse staff are doing excellent work, and we are working together as a team to ensure our clients have the best care we can give them.”
Happy Easter and thank you to our support staff for their hard work and dedication during this time, and to our valued clients and families for your ongoing support.