Operating out of the Elizabeth Football Club, Minda in the North (MITN) provides a fun and engaging outcomes-focused program for young people with disability living in Gawler and the wider northern suburbs.
MITN Support Leader, Louise Toro, says in its four years of operation, the program has helped families who previously felt isolated to find support and connection.
“We are here to help families, and we love it when we see positive changes in clients who join our program,” Louise says.
I love seeing our clients establish a routine from being in our day program. Some clients have transitioned to employment and study through TAFE SA which is an amazing achievement
MITN is available to assist young people who have left school to build on their strengths through a variety of day options including cooking, dancing, Sailability, karaoke, mini golf, and ten-pin bowling. The activities allow clients to engage with the community and learn new skills while also having fun.
“I love seeing our clients establish a routine from being in our day program. Some clients have transitioned to employment and study through TAFE SA which is an amazing achievement,” says Louise.
Clients are also further building on their independence in learning how to help around the home.
“At MITN, clients learn how to help by packing arts and crafts away after they’ve used them, to learn how to cook and clean – which allows them to help out at home. It’s often the things we take for granted which can be a huge achievement for our clients."