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General News
9 Sep 2024

Warwick is pumped and ready to tackle the annual Lumary City-Bay Fun Run for the ninth time this Sunday 15 September.

With great determination, Warwick has set himself the goal of completing the 12km run from the Adelaide CBD to Glenelg.

He’ll be joined by his support worker Gary and Minda Chief Executive David Panter, who will be cheering him on and running alongside him.

The event has been a yearly highlight for Warwick since 2013 (with the exception of 2019-2021), having always lined up to walk the 12km.

Even an injured ankle couldn’t stop him in 2022, where Warwick got to enjoy the race from the comfort of a wheelchair.

Last year, Warwick finished the walking race in an impressive 2 hours, 7 minutes and 43 seconds.

However, this year, he has taken the opportunity to train hard whenever he can and get ready for the 12km run.

From participating in a weekly walking group and basketball games plus riding his bike around Minda’s North Brighton premises, Warwick is fit and ready for the big day.

“It’s good fun, I love the whole day. I’ll be waiting at the front for the horn to make the sound to start running and I’ll be off,” Warwick said.

Minda Engagement Specialist and team organiser Hermione McCurry said the event is a great experience for everyone involved.

“There is a buzz in the lead up to the event and particularly on the day,” she said.

“It's a fantastic social occasion where the entire team can come together and have fun… the thrill of receiving a medal at the finish line adds more to the excitement.

“It really fosters a strong sense of camaraderie, with everyone cheering each other on.”

This year sees a team of 35 people that Minda support as well as support staff taking on the 3km, 6km and 12km distances, making it one of the biggest teams Minda has had to date.

If you or someone you know is interested in Minda's services and being part of things like the City-Bay Fun Run, contact our friendly team on 1800 164 632 or at

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